I'm Vinay Kumar, a passionate Java developer and YouTuber pursuing B.Tech (IT). With a strong foundation in Java, Python, C, and various web technologies, I aim to make a mark in the tech industry.
🗣 Strong communication skills (English, Hindi)
5 years of teaching experience
Java Developer
Front-End Developer
Android Developer
🎯 Focused on my own Strat-up Company ADV Indian Coder
Java Developer | Front-End Developer | Android App Developer
Java | Python | C | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | MySQL | DBMS | MongoDB | JDBC | Ethical Hacking
Technical knowledge in: Fundamentals of Computer Science, OS, Version Control System, Git, Advanced Java, Database Design, System Design, and more.
Java Development | Front-End Development | Android App Development
✨ Coming Soon:
Dynamic Programming: 111
Backtracking: 28
Divide and Conquer: 20
Hash Table: 105
Math: 85
Depth-First Search: 78
Array: 312
String: 143
Sorting: 79
Two Pointers: 69
Matrix: 50